MBTI Type Descriptions

MBTI 16 Type Descriptions

MBTI is a personality type system that can be used to help identify and relate to other people. MBTI is an abbreviation for Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. Below is a list that consists of all 16 types. These types can be used in the workplace and leadership training. To find out your Myers-Briggs type, click here.

1.) INFJ

INFJs are idealists and visionaries. They are intuitive individuals who trust their intuition foremost. INFJs are usually gifted in writing, art, psychology, or science. Empathetic in nature, healthy INFJs enjoy helping people and bettering the world. INFJ is an abbreviation for introvert, intuitive, feeling, and judging. This type consists of roughly 1 percent of the population making INFJs the rarest type of all the Myers-Briggs. In view of this, young INFJs can feel misunderstood or out of place compared to the world around them.

2.) ENFJ

ENFJs are extroverted, socially inclined people who possess excellent interpersonal skills. While healthy ENFJs are protective, empathetic, and visionary, they are commonly found in the career choices of coaching, teaching, or leadership. They are known to consist of roughly 2 percent of the population. With their charisma, passion, and loving nature, they are constantly inspiring others towards their own unique greatness. ENFJ is an abbreviation for extrovert, intuitive, feeling, and judging.

3.) INFP

INFPs are the dreamers and healers of Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. They are creative and unique individuals, and they also possess large amounts of imagination. They often are found in the career choices of psychology, design, or acting. INFPs consist of roughly 4 percent of the population. INFPs have, use, and follow a strict value system. As an introvert, they cherish a selected few. Due to feelings of being misunderstood, they enjoy supporting other people they deem as social outcasts. INFP is an abbreviation for introvert, intuitive, feeling, and perceiving.

4.) ENFP

ENFPs live in a world full of possibilities. They love exploring new ideas and new possibilities, and they live their life according to their values. Unlike other extroverts, ENFPs need alone time to center themselves. Due to this, possibly at times, they mistake themselves for introverts. Warm, friendly, enthusiastic, they are typically interested in the lives of others, and they highly value their interpersonal relationships. ENFPs enjoy fun-filled experiences with their loved ones. ENFPs do best in work environments that allow them to explore new ideas and also work with other people. With this, ENFPs do not typically need much supervision, and they perform better in environments that allow flexibility. ENFP is an abbreviation for extrovert, intuitive, feeling, and perceiving.

5.) INTJ

Analytical by nature, INTJs highly value intelligence, competence, and efficiency. With these sets of skills, INTJs are excellent at improving systems, and they also, as well, have great intuition. With the skill to improve systems, they need closure about ideas they may have, and with this closure, it will force them into action. INTJs desire to have things together in a rational system. Introverted by nature, INTJs need a lot of alone time to recharge. INTJs can typically be found in the career fields of engineering and other scientific pursuits. INTJ is an abbreviation for introvert, intuitive, thinking, and judging. 

6.) ENTJ

ENTJs are natural leaders. They deal with things rationally and efficiently. ENTJs are the take-charge people, and they fit into the corporate world effortlessly. They enjoy challenging problems head-on, and with this challenging can-do attitude, they enjoy finding solutions. As extroverts, ENTJs enjoy conversing and socializing with others. ENTJs have great self-confidence and verbal communication skills. Also, ENTJ is an abbreviation for extrovert, intuitive, thinking, and judging.

7.) ENTP

ENTP is an abbreviation for extrovert, intuitive, thinking, and perceiving. They see a world of possibilities. This type uses their intuition to process how the environment around them operates, and they simply adore ideas. With this concept in mind, ENTPs are extremely enthusiastic about their ideas, and they delight in sharing this enthusiasm with others with whom they care about. However, ENTPs are prone to getting more excited about these ideas more so than actually bring them to completion. They are also excellent debaters, and they enjoy learning about different concepts. Also, ENTPs are highly adaptable, and they have the ability to learn things quickly due to this adaptability. 

8.) INTP

INTP is an abbreviation for introvert, intuitive, thinking, and perceiving. INTPs are introverts who highly value knowledge, which means they spend a large part of their lives collecting knowledge. They enjoy interpreting how things are or could be improved. They have the ability to see many possibilities on how things could be, and they enjoy turning theories into concrete understanding for the outer world. Being an introvert, INTPs spend the majority of their lives inside their own heads. INTPs are very unconventional and independent. They enjoy solving problems and producing these problems into a logical understanding. 

9.) ISFJ

ISFJs are highly nurturing types. ISFJs desire to see the best in others and they also value harmony. ISFJs are the traditionalists. They value tradition and the law. They have a strong sense of responsibility and duty, which means they take their responsibilities extremely seriously. ISFJs are more or so able to appreciate the practical approaches to life. Anything that takes too much theorizing is a chore to the ISFJ. However, they learn the best by doing instead of reading things from a book. ISFJ is an abbreviation for introvert, sensing, feeling, and judging.

10.) ESFJ

Warm and energetic types, ESFJs love people. They are dependable, caring individuals who are great at practical care. ESFJs do enjoy creating order and structure, and they do best in environments that are also structured. ESFJs have a strong moral code that they live by, which is most likely based on the community they live in. They also enjoy spending time with their loved ones and family. They do not value anything abstract or theoretical thinking. Like the ISFJ, this type of thinking can be a chore to them. ESFJ is an abbreviation for extrovert, sensing, feeling, and judging.

11.) ISTJ

ISTJs are dependable traditionalists. They are reliable individuals who can work long hours to reach a task or goal. They place value on honesty and integrity. They value practical applications and enjoy doing things by the book. As a thinker, they tend to not be in tune with the feelings of others. However, they do highly value the facts. ISTJ is an abbreviation for introvert, sensing, thinking, and judging. Intensely family-oriented and faithful, they put a copious amount of effort into making sure their home life is running smoothly. Positions of authority are also attractive to them due to their love of integrity and dependable nature.

12.) ESTJ

ESTJ is an abbreviation for extrovert, sensing, thinking, and judging. ESTJs live in the present world. They live in a world full of facts and concrete needs. ESTJs are constantly checking their environments to make sure everything is running smoothly and efficiently. Due to this trait, ESTJs are take-charge people, and they naturally fit into leadership roles. They are self-confident and are ready to take action with their concrete plans.

13.) ISFP

ISFPs are highly perceptive, and they care about others. They have a strong sense of values, which they, themselves, strive to meet their entire lives. They live in a world full of possibilities for the senses. They enjoy experiencing sensations that relate to touch, taste, sight, or smell. Due to this, they often have a strong appreciation for the arts, and are often, at times, themselves, an artist in some shape or form. They are original and independent, and as introverts, they need a lot of alone time. ISFP is an abbreviation for introvert, sensing, feeling, and perceiving.

14.) ESFP

As an extrovert, ESFPs love people and new experiences. They are lively, fun, and are live in the moment type people. ESFPs are also spontaneous and optimistic people. They enjoy entertaining and making others happy with their performances and entertainment. Although the ESFP hates routine, they can be practical. They learn best with hands-on experiences more so than with theories or a book. Like some other sensing types, they are uncomfortable with theorizing. ESFP is an abbreviation for extrovert, sensing, feeling, and perceiving.

15.) ESTP

ESTPs are outgoing, excitable, and enthusiastic types. They are doers, and they live in the present moment. They are action-oriented people, and they make decisions quickly leaving little to do with theorizing. They are fast-paced people who have an appreciation for the finer things in life. They are great improvisers, which means, they rarely plan. They value facts and can be blunt. They have the ability to make great salespeople. ESTP is an abbreviation for extrovert, sensing, thinking, and perceiving.

16.) ISTP

ISTP is an abbreviation for introvert, sensing, thinking, and perceiver. ISTPs desire to understand how everything works, which makes them great at practical solutions and reasoning. ISTPs are adventurous individuals, and they thrive on action. Also, they feel that judgments should be more logical based than personally value-based with feelings involved. 

The above is a brief type description of all 16 types. For more information on the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, check out an official website by clicking here. Also, check out this article here to find out more about how Myers-Briggs Type Indicator can be used for leadership and work environments.

Introvert (term) is a person who uses internal factors to be able to recharge the self.
Extrovert (term) is a person who uses external factors to be able to recharge the self.
Intuitive (term) is the preferred method or function in the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, which the individual, by using this function, takes in information by using their instincts and also by means of an innate perception of patterns and recognition. 
Sensing (term) is a preferred method or function in the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, which the individual, by using this function, takes in information using sight, taste, touch, smell, or hearing. 
Feeling (term) is a preferred process or function in the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, which describes how a person makes decisions preferably based on their emotions.
Thinking (term) is a preferred process or function in the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, which describes how a person makes decisions preferably based on logic.
Perceiving (term) is a function in the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, which describes how a person preferably manages the external environment by either being flexible or unstructured.
Judging (term) is a function in the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, which describes how a person preferably manages the external environment by being structured, purposeful, or organized.

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