MBTI in the Workplace

How to Use MBTI for Leadership and Growth

MBTI is an abbreviation for Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. MBTI can be used as a tool in order to connect with others. For a brief summary of each MBTI personality type, click this link here. This link contains my previously written article. Below consists of a few ways in which leaders can utilize Myers-Briggs Type Indicator as a means of producing growth for all involved on each team. 

1.) Communication

As a leader, being able to communicate with others effectively is essential. Myers-Briggs Type Indicator gives us the potential to communicate with others in a way they can understand. For example, an ENTJ would most likely appreciate a more direct, assertive communication style; however, an ISFP would most likely appreciate a softer communication style that is also considerate of how other people are feeling. Being able to adjust your communication style to your audience is helpful because it creates more connection, respect, and overall greater influence among your team as a leader.

2.) Skill Sets

While Myers-Briggs Type Indicator is not to be used as a way to strictly box people in, it can, however, be used as an indicator for certain skills an individual may potentially possess. For example, INFJs are more inclined to be excellent advice-givers. Is this an indication that every INFJ will be an excellent advice-giver? No. It is not. As a leader, being able to determine the traits or skills of another is important because it helps with delegation. Being able to delegate efficiently helps the overall productivity of your team. Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, in this context, can be used as a way to help identify the traits and skill sets of others.

3.) Needs and Performance

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator can be used as a way to assist the growth, needs, or the performance of others on your team. By addressing the needs of others, this increases performance. Myers-Briggs Type Indicator can also help with discernment in this area. People perform better in environments where their needs are met, and also, keep in mind that each person will have their own individual needs that are strictly unique. This means that one person on your team may not have the same needs as another on your team. Myers-Briggs Type Indicator gives each individual personality type instructions on how to reach a greater potential, which is done by addressing their needs. The growth of a person can also be increased this way. For example, what an ESTJ needs to perform at their highest potential may not be the same as what an INFJ needs. 

The above is a brief description of how Myers-Briggs Type Indicator can be used in leadership towards your own team members. For more information on the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, visit an MBTI official website by clicking here


Introvert (term) is a person who uses internal factors to be able to recharge the self.

Extrovert (term) is a person who uses external factors to be able to recharge the self.

Intuitive (term) is a preferred method or function in the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, which the individual, by using this function, takes in information by using their instincts and also by means of an innate perception of patterns and recognition.

Sensing (term) is a preferred method or function in the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, which the individual, by using this function, takes in information by using sight, taste, touch, smell, or hearing.

Feeling (term) is a preferred process or function in the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, which describes how a person makes decisions preferably based on their emotions.

Thinking (term) is a preferred process or function in the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, which describes how a person makes decisions preferably based on logic.

Perceiving (term) is a function in the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, which describes how a person preferably manages the external environment by either being flexible or unstructured.

Judging (term) is a function in the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, which describes how a person preferably manages the external environment by being structured, purposeful, or organized.

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