How to Increase Productivity

How to Increase the Productivity in Others

Below are proven methods used to increase the productivity in others. Depending on what is needed, each leader needs to discern which method(s) will work best for their current situation.

1.) Have Empathy

As a leader, having empathy is one of the greatest traits you can exhibit. It is essential. Without this particular personality trait, others will not follow your instructions, and this will decrease productivity.

2.) Do Not Micromanage Others

Micromanaging will decrease productivity on your team. Instead of micromanaging, allow others to have the freedom to make their own individual choices. People dislike being controlled. Therefore, mentoring is an alternative method that can increase their productivity. Coach the members of your team instead of dictating their every move, and this will foster positive interaction between you and your team members.

3.) Communicate

People cannot give you what you want if you do not communicate to them in an efficient manner. People cannot read your mind, and expecting anything more from them would be highly unrealistic. It is also imperative to get to know the person you are trying to communicate with. People communicate in different ways, so choosing, instead, to use their own communication style will be most helpful. This helps them understand the entire picture that you are trying to convey. If communication is done using their personal style, it will make a world of a difference.

4.) Challenge Them

Sometimes if you cannot get any motivation out of your team, it may be time to challenge them. This, of course, entirely depends upon the circumstances at hand and also the character of those that are involved. For example, if your team is not performing as well as you would prefer, it may be well advised to spark some form of competition. You could announce the fact that the morning team produced 100 packages during their shift. The announcement could spark some competition into your evening production team, and hopefully, the evening production team will attempt to outperform the morning shift. Be careful how you state these facts. A patronizing tone can cause the competition to backfire.

5.) Have Consequences Set

It’s extremely important as a leader to praise your team for a job well done when they deserve it. This appreciation, in turn, will inspire greater productivity. However, if you are without adequate boundaries, there are certain types of people who will try to take advantage of such nature. One way to avoid this is by having a set of consequences. For example, if a client does not pay what they owe, then it may be time to offer up a consequence. One appropriate consequence may be the loss of your services until payments are made. This will teach others to honor your boundaries, and you will not have to fret over the loss of payments. People respond to how you allow others to treat you. If you let them continue to not pay, then in time, the person may become relaxed and not pay at all. Healthy boundaries must stay in place in order to be a healthy leader. Consequences need to be set within a team to keep them on track, healthy, and motivated.

6.) Treat Their Mistakes as No Big Deal

Do not shame people to get the results that you desire. Instead, treat the mistakes that people make as no big deal. If you treat mistakes as a small problem, then the members of your team will feel like the mistake that they made can be easily fixed. If you treat their mistake as a massive one, then they will feel like their own mistake is too big to fix, and this will cause performance issues for your team.

7.) Treat your Team Members as Important

Everyone needs to feel like they matter. Everyone needs to feel important. By treating your team members as important, their productivity will increase. This, in turn, will push them towards the outcome that desperately needs to be accomplished. People who do not feel needed or appreciated will not want to work, and productivity will decrease for all involved. One person cannot do everything themselves. Make sure every teammate knows and understands how appreciated and valued their contributions are. Give praise to everyone on your team when appropriate.

8.) Foster a Creative Environment

Always allow room for team member growth, and do not be afraid of those that are different. Foster a family environment that encourages individual growth. This, in turn, may produce positive results from an unexpected source, which will propel the team closer to their goal.

9.) Hold Others to a High Standard

If you want someone to perform to a certain level, then expect them to live up to that certain standard. For example, you could state the following. “I’ve heard great things about you, and I can’t wait to see what else you can do.” By stating your expectation, people oftentimes want to live up to that standard. They do not want to let you down. People respond to others based on how they feel. If you teach others that they are worthless, then they will respond in a manner where they feel worthless. This will decrease productivity. If you treat others with high regard, they will respond with high regard, which will increase productivity.

With discernment, use these suggestions listed above to help you as a leader to increase the productivity of others. Use these steps as you see fit.


Carnegie, Dale.  How to Win Friends & Influence People. New York: Pocket Books, 1936

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