Gifted Beyond Worlds is a short story science fiction and paranormal dystopian book. The book centers around a girl named Amber who must live in a world where the gifted are being hunted—a group of individuals with profound supernatural abilities. Follow Amber as she experiences difficulties and more on her home planet. For those interested, a small excerpt from Gifted Beyond Worlds is listed below.
The metallic door clicked, and I exited the ship. The moon above radiated with a milky glow, and the sound of crickets chirped around me. The ship’s metallic coating illuminated, reflecting all that surrounded it. I took in the starry-like ring surrounding the ship’s square-like mold one last time. I needed to get back to the resistance, and now they had foolishly freed me. Though, thoughts of confronting my boyfriend—Adam—and the resistance haunted me. My disappearance into a ship claimed by the enemy . . . will they believe me? The thought chilled me, but I had to give them what I had found. I sprinted off into the dark night, not worrying about an attack, for the enemy now believed I was one of their own.
Morning came. Sunlight now beamed down, but I had found him. My beloved Adam. I grew nervous with anticipation. Would he reject me? His eyes caught hold of mine. He hesitantly moved toward me, I to him, until we were both a few inches apart from each other. He raised his hand up toward me, but then he just as quickly withdrew it. I could sense his pain. Betrayal carried in his eyes, and guilt swirled in me. The light reflecting in his eyes darkened into a black abyss as deep as the sea. A sense of hopelessness etched across his features. I knew what I had done. The pit of my stomach curled. My fingers fidgeted into fists. It angered me to see him in pain.
“I’m sorry.” The words barely left my mouth. He would not look at me.
“Why?” he asked.
I needed to explain. I needed to tell him what I had done, to reason with him. I reached my hand out toward him, but he backed away. His eyes held so much sadness in them.
Gifted Beyond Worlds is an extraordinary tale of bravery portraying a world filled with the Gifted –an incredible group of people with untold, profound potential and supernatural abilities. Follow Amber’s journey through her home world and across the galaxy.
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