Altai Yelchin in Undying Faith

Meet John Yang: The Creator Behind Undying Faith

John Yang is a Hmong bilingual professional, filmmaker, and director. He grew up in Modesto, CA, and moved to Sacramento, CA in 2009 in order to pursue an Associate of Science degree in Visual Communications and a Bachelor of Science degree in Game Design and Digital Entertainment at ITT Technical Institute. During college, John worked on multiple short films and in 2013 began to work with Zillion Media Inc. on the television show The Full Bloom Show as a producer’s assistant. The show was aired by Fox affiliates for a total of 3 seasons with over 100 episodes. John moved to the South in 2016 and married his wife Tracey in 2017. John and his wife formed the LLC and production company called Kyo Production in 2019, which Kyo Production is based in Alabama. Kyo Production’s first big project in film was Undying Faith which is also John Yang’s directorial debut. John Yang’s current career goals for Undying Faith is to continue on filming Undying Faith for at least one complete season or more.

1. Tell us more about Undying Faith.

Undying Faith is a Christian television show that focuses on two girls, Lydia Johnson and Joanna Williams, as they must live life in a world without freedom of religion. The two girls in episode one are found running for their lives after their faith is discovered. I believe Undying Faith is an important story that needs to be told.

2. Why did you decide to create Undying Faith?

I felt called to do so by God.

3. You are both an actor and director in Undying Faith. Were there any challenges to being a director and actor at the same time?

Yes. Directing and acting at the same time is extremely challenging. However, I had a great team that helped everything run smoothly. I deeply appreciate them. There couldn’t have been an Undying Faith without everyone working so well together. I’m truly thankful to God and to also my team members as well.

4. What do you hope others will take away when watching Undying Faith?

Ultimately, I hope that others will come to Christ by watching Undying Faith. Yes, we are a business and hope to make a profit; however, the ministry part of this is the most important for us.

5. Tell us more about your character, Altai Yelchin.

Altai Yelchin is a character that struggles between right and wrong. However, this all changes after a strange encounter in a dream. Altai in episode one was ultimately sent to hunt down the characters, Lydia and Joanna, for being Christians.

Altai in Undying Faith

6. What is your end goal for Undying Faith?

We hope to have Undying Faith on streaming networks or on other distribution platforms.

7. Who is your favorite character in Undying Faith?

I love all of my characters; however, my favorite is Altai Yelchin, which is the character I played. He’s my favorite because I believe that this character shows the grace that God has for all of us. Like Paul in the Bible, Altai also struggled with grave sin, and like Paul, he also killed Christians. Altai struggled with deep resentment. However, through a strange encounter, Altai began to feel conviction. I believe characters like Altai are important because it shows that God can save anyone. No one is too far gone to be saved by God.

Altai and Jesus in Undying Faith
(above) John Yang as Altai Yelchin and John Wells as Jesus

8. What is your favorite quote from Undying Faith?

My favorite quote in episode one of Undying Faith was spoken by the character, Lydia Johnson, to her best friend, Joanna Williams. Lydia Johnson quoted a verse from the Bible to encourage her friend. This is a quote that is beneficial for us all.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and He will make your paths straight.

Lydia Johnson
(above) Claire Carley as Lydia Johnson in Undying Faith

9. Where can people go to watch Undying Faith?

Undying Faith is currently playing in film festivals. Please continue to check back with us on our website to see when we do plan to go live with Undying Faith. Our website is

Undying Faith Website

10. Undying Faith has won many awards in some of the top Christian film festivals in the USA. How does this make you feel?

I truly feel honored and blessed. I’m truly thankful to everyone who took the time to watch our film and judge our film in these film festivals.

Undying Faith Film Festival
(above) John Yang and Tracey Yang

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